EOS Wallet

EOS is a blockchain platform with support for smart contracts and a complete toolkit for creating and managing dApps.

Excellent Score 4.6 on Excellent Rating on TrustPilot

What is EOS?

EOS is a blockchain platform created with a very simple goal: to become a blockchain with commercial capabilities. It implies that this platform is capable of deploying decentralized applications (DApps), and is highly scalable. EOS coin company makes it possible to develop smart contracts in its ecosystem. With its support, companies and individuals can independently create software and applications of many different types, as well as conduct transactions without third-party intervention. The platform has a token also called EOS. This coin was introduced in 2017 and quickly became in demand in the crypto world.

EOS Online Wallet, App for Desktop & Mobile | Guarda

EOS Price


Start your journey.
with our crypto wallet

Use your EOS wallet web on MacOS, Windows and Linux.

Guarda is a non-custodial wallet, so only users have access to their assets.

Decentralized application based on the principles of transparency, availability, privacy & security.

Send, receive and hold more than 400K crypto assets.

Access your account with the web version of the wallet on MacOS, Windows and Linux.

Manage your EOS on Android and iOS wallets right on your phone.

Stake various crypto and earn profit.

Order Guarda Visa Card and pay with crypto almost anywhere.

Why Choose Us

Available everywhere

Buy сrypto assets all around the globe using the local currency of your bank account.

Fast payment

Buy crypto with a credit / debit card, Apple Pay, Union Pay, via SEPA.

Excellent customer service

Guarda Wallet stands out for providing responsive and reliable customer service 24/7

Desktop/Mobile versions

Use EOS online wallet, desktop wallet or download our mobile wallet app. Also, iOS and Android apps are available to manage your wallet on your phone.

High Customer Trust level

Guarda has been working since 2017 to gain customers' trust and recognition. Excellent rate 4.7 on TrustPilot, 4.8 on Investopedia.

Top security wallet for your crypto assets

Guarda Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, so we don’t store private data, backup files, or keys. Only users have access to their personal data. Users are the only ones who have access to private information. No transactions can be tracked by third party. Fingerprint authentication and PIN protection are some of the available security features.

Multisigs feature is available (BTC, ETH)

2FA authentication & Face ID

Back up files only you have access to

Total privacy and anonymity

Be In Charge of Your Crypto

Guarda is an ultimate solution for modern crypto management. You can do it all from the comfort of one single app. Earn with staking, Purchase, Instantly Exchange at best rates, get crypto loans, add extra security layer with Multisignature, and the list goes on.

How EOSIO Works

The EOSIO blockchain is created to simulate the operation of a real computer, and its software itself applies computational principles to its operation. For example, there are three types of resources on which the EOSIO blockchain operates.

These include:

  • Bandwidth: required to send information across the network.
  • Computing Resources: the processing power required to run a decentralized application.
  • Public storage: used to store data in the blockchain.

All three of these sources are required on EOSIO, which means that developers must hold EOS to run decentralized applications. It should be noted that decentralized applications built on EOSIO do not oblige users to pay transaction fees, making EOS transfers free for users of decentralized applications. Such costs do not disappear from EOSIO, but are simply passed on to developers of decentralized applications, who must pay for network resources.

EOS Staking

Delegated proof of stake (DPOS) is the method by which the EOS blockchain finds consensus. In this case, instead of any coin owner being able to validate transactions, they use their registered coins to vote for a "blockchain producer" on the network who will be responsible for validating the transactions.

There are three types of resources to consider when working with EOS: RAM, CPU, and NET.

  • Processor CPU refers to the processing power that can be used in the EOS network.
  • NET is the network bandwidth that you are allowed to use.
  • RAM serves as data storage in the blockchain. Users need RAM to create new EOS accounts, enter information into an account), and DAPPS use RAM to store application status data. In both cases, RAM is used to store records in the EOS blockchain.


Blockchain EOS, based on DPoS, contains a voting system in which stakers delegate their work to a third person. In other words, members can vote for multiple delegates who will protect the network on their behalf. Such people are called "block producers". Their job is to run nodes to support the main EOS network. Users with EOS tokens can vote for the so-called "producers". That way it is possible to earn CPU and NET rewards in the aftermath.

Increase CPU & NET

EOS History and ICO

In the early days of Bitcoin, a young man named Daniel Larimer fairly quickly discovered that Bitcoin was going to have scalability problems in the not-too-distant future. He voiced his concerns about this to the community, but no one listened to him. Seven years later, the entire blockchain space came to its senses because Dan Larimer's warnings came true. In 2017-2018, the market fell 70% in just four months and has been struggling to recover ever since. Bitcoin faced the problems Dan talked about. Transaction costs were extremely high, the network slowed to a complete standstill, and people just couldn't use it anymore. Many people left blockchain vowing never to return, and for good reason, as some lost 70% or more of their savings investing in it. Meanwhile, Daniel Larimer was already busy working on EOSIO at the time, along with his colleague and Block.one CEO Brendan Bloomer. In June 2017, they published a white paper on the project and began distributing EOS tokens in an initial coin offering (ICO).

EOS Capabilities

According to the platform's technical description, EOS technology is a blockchain architecture that could eventually scale to millions of transactions per second, eliminate fees, and allow fast and easy deployment and maintenance of decentralized applications within a managed blockchain.

For EOS developers, the lack of user fees is paramount, and they explain that a blockchain platform that users can use for free is likely to become more widespread.

EOSIO Advantages

Scalability: EOSIO can manage over 4,000 transactions per second from its public blockchain, as opposed to an average of 15-20 transactions per second from other blockchains.

Speed: Applications running on EOSIO have been shown to have shorter wait times than applications created on other blockchains . What used to take hours can now take seconds. This means users can enjoy greater speed without sacrificing the security that blockchains offer .

Low cost: EOSIO's cost model eliminates the need for transaction fees, making it a more profitable model than other blockchain protocols . This makes it affordable for users and encourages developers to deploy their dApps on it rather than competing blockchains.

Greenness: Many blockchain platforms require large amounts of electricity to power the computers needed to manage distributed networks. Instead, thanks to EOSIO's consensus mechanism known as "Delegated Share Proofing" (DPoS), this protocol is more sustainable and energy efficient, being 66,000 times more efficient than Bitcoin and 17,000 times more efficient than Bitcoin or Ethereum.

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1. What is the best EOS wallet?

Guarda is one of the best wallets according to Investopedia.com and Hackernoon.com for EOS. Guarda is a non-custodial wallet that supports more than 400K+ assets. Use an online wallet right in your browser or download a web/mobile version.

2. How do I get an EOS wallet?

You can download the application from the Apple AppStore, or Google Play, or install a desktop wallet. You can also use an online wallet. Create an account on Guarda; Set a strong password and save your wallet backup; Create a wallet and add your EOS.

3. How to get an EOS wallet for Android or iOS?

Download Guarda from AppStore or Google Play; Create an account on your Guarda Wallet; Tap the “Receive” button in app; Paste the generated address or scan the QR code when sending coins from an external wallet or exchange to Guarda.

4. Is Guarda Wallet app safe?

Guarda is a non-custodial crypto wallet. Guarda stores no private data, backup files, or keys, and no one has access to the user's wallet. Users are the only ones who have access to private information.
Security features include: fingerprint authorization; PIN code; backup file